An ultra fast and accurate paired-end adapter trimmer that needs no a priori adapter sequences.
PEAT, a fast and highly accurate adapter-trimming algorithm, designed specifically for paired-end sequencing. PEAT requires no a priori adapter sequence and significantly outperforms other widely used adapter trimmers in both simulated and real life paired-end sequencing libraries. Moreover, in order to process single-end sequencing data, we also provide single-end trimmer in PEAT.
PEAT is released under GPLv2 with additional restriction so that is only applicable to individuals and non-profits and that any for-profit company must purchase a different license.
*Only 64 bits systems are able to compile and run PEAT.
Try the precompiled binaries first, most of the linux systems should be able to run PEAT without any troubles.
Please find the binary that suits your platform:
bin/PEAT_linux // for centos/redhat/ubuntu/fedara/...
bin/PEAT_Mac // for OSX
Or you can find them in the release tab in this page or at this link:
You can rename it to "PEAT" for your convinience. If unfortunately, none of them works, please see below to build a binary for your box.
git clone
cmake .
bin/PEAT paired -1 <file> -2 <file> -o <output> -n <num> -l <num> -r <num> -g <num> -a <num>
bin/PEAT single -i <file> -a <string> -q <string> -o <output> -n <num>
Jui-Hung Hung <>
Yun-Lung Li <>
Jui-Cheng Weng <>